Friday, August 12, 2005

Jed the Sweetest Bully Ever

Jed has become a real bully. He is way into the pushing thing. He even pushes kids twice or 3 times his age since he's still bigger than most of them. So, I'm constantly apologizing to other moms. (Sorry, Carrie & Elias!) The other day a neighbor kid came to play in the sprinkler with Jed. The other kid, who is several months older than Jed, didn't want to get in so Jed kept pushing him in...and every time Jed would push him, his face would get sprayed and he'd cry. I asked his mom if he didn't like water in his face. She replied snidely, "No, he just doesn't like being pushed." Oh. Sorry.

On the upside...Jed has learned to say "Thank You". Although, it sounds a lot more like "doot-doo". He now says it without prompting when you give him something or help him do something.

So I guess he'll be the kid that pushes and then says 'thank you' when he's given a shove in return...or a black eye...or 'the bird'...or whatever else will start a great little fight.


Blogger Drew Caperton said...

As the dad in all this, there are small amounts of joy that my son is a little aggresive. It also warms me to know that my son is developing a tender heart to go with those strong arms and large frame. ALl the more reason to pray...

8/14/2005 9:34 PM  

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