Sunday, July 27, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Cash and Canon

The twins came at 2:06 and 2:09pm and the LORD brought them with zero complications. To those who prayed, thank you so much. We are so grateful to have friends who love us and pray us. Here are the details of the twinnos.
Cash Urban Caperton
Stats: 6 lbs, 0 oz; 19 in

"Cash" is the English equivalent to the Jewish word shalom which encompasses everything from peace to wholeness to salvation. "Urban" means city, so together our hope for Cash Urban is that he will bring shalom to the city.
Currently, Cash is very calm, feeding quite well and being very snuggly.
Canon Gabrielle Caperton
Stats: 5 lbs, 14 oz; 19 3/4 in

"Canon" literally means measure or standard. We're using it as a reference to the canon of Scripture, the Bible. "Gabrielle" means God is my wisdom and together they spell out our hope that she will gain wisdom from God through the Scriptures.
Canon is also very calm, attentive and grunts often.
Mom is doing extremely well and both babies are very healthy (9.9 Apgar scores for both) and seem very at peace.

More picture are coming soon, but I wanted to quickly put these up.
Labels: Canon, Cash, Family Life, Parenting
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Half-way there....
Yesterday I had a doc appt and learned that I am already dilated to 5 cm. My doc said that she was afraid I might have the babies before she arrived at 8:30, so she asked me to wait and arrive at the hospital sometime after 7am tomorrow....not the 5 am I was originally scheduled for.
So I'm already half-way to delivery!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Scheduled: Our big day!
We will be inducing on Thursday! I have to be at the hospital at 5 am and they will start induction around 7 am.
Now, if the past is the best predictor of the future, then I'll be having these babies prior to Thursday. With all three other kids I was scheduled to be induced and not one of them waited until that day. Apparently, we scare them out with threats of induction.
I have an appt tomorrow w/ my doc and it's possible that whatever she does that day may stir things up a bit. Who knows. Either way, we have a plan and that feels good. I still can't believe that I'll be bringing home two babies!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Skinny at 35 Weeks
OK, so really it's anything but skinny....but a girl can dream can't she?
Tuesday's appt w/ the obgyn:
- Gained 2 lbs since last week.
- Fundal height 40 cm.
- She didn't want to talk about inducing yet b/c she is concerned about lung development.
Today's appt w/ the perinatologist:
- Fluids are good.
- Girl is measuring to be 5 lbs 14 oz - the 69th percentile for a singleton birth.
- Boy is measuring at 6 lb 6 oz - the 85th percentile for a singleton birth.
In other words, they are both pretty big babies for their gestational age. I'm pretty surprised b/c 3 weeks ago they both weighed in at 4 lbs each. He is obviously gaining faster than she is. The perinatologist said she was going to let my obgyn know that she thought I needed to deliver within the next week or so. My doc was not interested in inducing yet at Tuesdays visit, so I'd love it if I got a call from her office tomorrow saying that they want to schedule an induction.
I don't know if it's psychosomatic (knowing that I'm carrying over 12 lbs of baby) or what, but I'm so much more uncomfortable since my visit today. Every step is a major pain in the pelvic region, even more than this morning! Perhaps it's from sitting on that exam table for over an hour....
Please be praying for the following:
- That I am able to deliver without a c-section. Life is crazy enough without having to throw in recouping from major abdominal surgery.
- That nursing goes well with both babies.
- That neither baby needs the NICU & both get to come home with us when I head home.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
34 wks 4 days - No news is good news!
Nothing new from this weeks appointment. My Doc was on vacation so I saw one of her partners, who does a quick ultrasound every visit when the patient has we got to just check on heartbeat, position and fluid levels. All was good!
I'm still on bedrest, but I'm sooo ready to have these babies! Bedtime and mornings are incredibly uncomfortable for me.