Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow....
It seems like lately I spend all of my free computer time on my playgroup message boards. So then, I have little time left to blog. However, now that I have thoroughly ticked several people off with my opinions, I thought it was time to head back over this way. (I am just SO not used to my opinion being the odd one out. Partly why I chose to join this group...I'm too used to being around people who all think like me...or at least close!)
We had a really great (NEEDED) workday around the house today. We just got a lot done and it feels so good! Now if we could just keep up this pace we might have our house presentable in a matter of years! No, it's not really that bad. It just feels like we never make any headway b/c we're constantly keeping up w/ surface stuff....we never have the time to do the painting & such that we want to do. We have had a gallon of paint in our bedroom since November and have yet to paint....Anyone want to help??? It's just so hard w/ the kids b/c the only time we are free of them is if they are asleep...and then we don't want to make the noise back there b/c well...they are sleeping!
Vox is moving into Cite Dez Arts in downtown Lafayette. It's a community theater/art building. We start meeeting there this week. It's such a perfect fit for us! The hardest thing will be getting the kids area ready...but we've got some good plans to make use of the space we've got. (There's a lot of space, and that's part of the problem...)
Perhaps as I get back into the swing of (blog) things, this will read less like a daytimer and more like a journal again...maybe...