Losing Legs. Gaining Ground.

Jed got a book for his birthday called The Very Hungry Caterpillar. (Thank you Emily!) We read it just about every night. And every nap time. He really enjoys it. And of course, every book w/ a caterpillar always becomes a butterfly at the end. And rightfully so. That's what caterpillars where made to be.
They spend weeks trapped in a cocoon. Closed off from the world. Then they emerge more beautiful and more vibrant than ever. They get to see life from a whole new viewpoint.
There are so many illustrations about life to be drawn from this. And I have no intention of getting into them.
This post is way more personal.
I have been in my cocoon long enough, all wrapped up in my duties as a mom & homemaker. Right now, I'm pushing thru all of that and rediscovering that there's more to me than this. Make no mistake, I'm still a mom. And I still clean house - well, kind of. Now I'm just remembering that I'm so much more...
It's good to watch you grow, and to grow with you.
i've really enjoyed your bloggings lately...i mean, i always love your blog, you have just been posting more often lately, and i love that. we miss you guys. it was great to see you at Target over Christmas!
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