Only 6 weeks to go till baby#2 due date! It is quite overwhelming to think about with our current situation...(living w/ the inlaws and a minimal job)... Jed was born 5 days early and the dr. said that it wouldn't surprise her if this one came 1-2 weeks early! That means possibly just 4 weeks away!!!! I really don't know how this is going to work out...I feel at such a loss. I HATE to not have a plan...I always have a plan...Several of them...Just in case. But, currently, I have no plan. So now, I just have to trust in God's plan.
And You know the plans that You have for me
And You can't plan the end and not plan the means
And so I suppose I just need some peace,
Just to get me to sleep
-Caedmons Call
Dr. Phil (smart guy sometimes) says that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. We have a long history of God's provision...