Friday, March 04, 2005

Seeing God in the Everyday

Blogging has kind of given me a new perspective. I'm so much more aware of the ways that God is revealing himself to me...the ways that he is teaching me. I am usually so busy or so tired that I fail to sit and reflect on my day, but when I sit down to write about what's going on in my life, it's as though I put on my 'introspectacles.' Everything is clearer. Brighter. More defined.

I have really poor eyesight. If I don't know exactly where my glasses are when I take out my contacts, I am in big trouble! There have been numerous times that I have set them on a patterned bedspread or a dark piece of furniture and been unable to find them. I had to feel around as though blindfolded and have occasionally had to ask for help in finding them!

When I'm not wearing my contacts or glasses the world is a huge blur. I noticed the other night that this makes me VERY sleepy. I can't hardly keep my eyes open because there's nothing to keep them open for. I can probably imagine what things look like more clearly than I can actually see them. I'm finding that things are the same if I'm not wearing my 'introspectacles.' Life is a blur and it's not worth staying conscious for it. So I find myself sleepwalking thru life. I'm not sensing things. I'm not enjoying life. I'm not consciously choosing to do or not do anything. I'm just acting out of habit.

Writing, blogging, it whatever you want, I call it introspection.


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