Happy Halloweens!
We've had a great Halloween weekend! It has included lots of fun times and even costume changes!
Halloween Part 1: Friday Night
Friday night, while dressed in Medieval Storybook attire, (Think Princesses, Knights, Dragons & Fairies), we double dipped on Halloween events. First we went to Jed's school - Chapel Hill Academy - for their first Annual Literacy Night where we watched teachers dressed as storybook characters read books. We had free hot dogs & drinks and got candy from playing trunk or treat games. Best of all we met some of Jed's friends from school and their parents. After that we headed over to St. Barnabas, Lee & Patti's church, for their Fall Festival. We had a great time there playing games, jumping in bounce houses, riding trains, checking out the inside of the ambulance and eating more free food. Oh, and of course, more candy!
Halloween Part 2: Saturday
Saturday the older 3 kids were totally ready to dress up different than the night before. Jed chose to wear his pirate costume, Riley wanted to be a ballerina & Story was Cinderella. We went to Central Market for their free event - trick or treated thru the store, decorated pumpkin cookies, played on the playground and got coupons for free gelato for being in the costume contest. Good times. Except for the crazy bee's that kept trying to eat our cookies. That part was not so fun. After dinner (which included more free food from Taco Bell), the kids trick or treated at a few houses in our neighborhood before it got too late. I wish their had been trick or treating on our street...but I think all of our seminary neighbors were at their churches fall festivals. Now we're all sitting around watching Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure while I attempt to get these pictures posted in a timely manner!