Friday, September 19, 2008


Jed, Riley & Story absolutely love spending time with their friends outside. Admittedly, Drew and I love taking them out so that we can spend time with our friends as well. We are as eager to get out the door after dinner as they are. God has has given us great community.

Beautiful Kiddos

8 Weeks Old

Cash & Canon are now 8 weeks old. They are such sweet babies. Their little personalities are really starting to show. They are finally getting themselves to sleep and will typically sleep from about 9pm-3am without needing to be fed...and then wake again between 6 & 7 to eat again. Everything is amazingly more difficult & tiring with two infants. And as they get bigger it gets a more complicated b/c, whereas I used to before, I can no longer lift them with one hand. They are too heavy and too long. Cash is noticeably heavier! But both are now outgrowing their newborn clothes. We head to the Dr. next week and will find out just how much they weigh then.

I'm still exclusively breastfeeding both of them. (Well, ok, they get formula if I'm gone for a few hours; I hate to pump.) Positioning them to eat is getting a little more difficult as they get bigger too! Sometimes, if I am not quick enough, one of them will start trying to nurse on the other one's head.

I have been waiting forever (ok....more like 8 weeks, but it feels like forever!) for them to really smile and finally we have grins! They are still very hard to come by, but every once in a while they get those mouths working and we see beautiful smiles.

Now that they have put on some weight it is getting a little easier to tell who they look like. We think that Cash is looking more & more like Jed. And Canon is said to look a lot like me (Kristy) my mom, brother (Nathan), and grandmother (Mama). It's pretty amazing how different Cash & Canon look from each other. Story finally knows who is who on a consistent basis now!

The Caperton Kids