The first three weeks

"I'm still your baby, right mom?"
Actually, Story has done a really great job accepting and loving Cash & Canon. She has shown very little jealousy. Bed-rest probably really helped her get used to less of mom. She gives her new siblings hugs and kisses constantly & can say both of their names. She confuses them about half the time.

Riley is also a great big sister. She is so proud of herself because she knows both of their first and middle names and loves to tell people (even complete strangers) all about her new babies.

Aunt Renee, Nana & Riley baking a cake. That smile was on Riley's face the whole time....that girl loves to cook!

I'm sure they will hate that there are very few pictures of them on their own. But for now, it's just too adorable to see them sitting side by side. I mean, come on, one baby is cute...but two?!?!

Jed found the bar of soap during a shower to rinse off after swimming.

Time for our close-up! I can't wait until they start smiling....on purpose! We get little glimpses of their amazing little smiles while they sleep and it makes me so long to have them smile because they're happy.