Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What's going on....

The church is never a place, but always a people; never a fold but always a flock; never a building but always a believing assembly. The church is you who pray, not where you pray.

- Anonymous -

I lament & celebrate our new found direction. After 2 1/2 years, our ministry here did not produce a lasting (lowercase c) church. We do not fully know what God has been doing, we only know for sure that we were obedient to God's call and have learned much in the past couple of has not been easy but we have been blessed throughout.

In everything, we have also been shown our limits and so we will be leaving Lafayette so that Drew can attend Seminary. The irony is that 7 years ago we had plans to leave Lafayette for Seminary. We had everything all worked out. But we did not have a peace about going. So we didn't. We ended up in Northwest Arkansas, working for a mega church with 6,000 people and then here, doing Vox, sometimes only with 3 of us. On our journey, we have gained invaluable ministry and relational experience that you can't get in a classroom. Hopefully, the things that we have been through have imparted wisdom to us both, allowing us to be more teachable and realistic in our understanding of what it means to live out the Gospel and invite others to do the same.

Drew starts a job doing graphic design for the seminary on Jan. 2nd and school shortly thereafter. I am not sure how we will work out moving with Christmas and selling our house but it looks like the kids and I may only see Drew on weekends for a short while. We cannot afford to pay mortgage/rent on two places. So hopefully our house will sell soon after hitting the market. Please pray to that end.


Blogger LouisianaMom said...

I am so excited for all of you! You all remain in my prayers as you make this transition and follow this calling.

12/05/2007 4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kristy, I work in the registrar's office at SWBTS. We met your husband a few weeks ago and he directed us to your blog. Please know that we are praying for you guys and your transition. God is so big and He can do whatever He pleases.
Praying for you. Ashlee Garner

1/16/2008 3:18 PM  

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