Saturday, January 29, 2005

Where am I going with this?

You know, setting up a blog requires a title right away...that's a lot of pressure! I thought to myself, perhaps I should just close out of this and come back after I've had time to come up with something clever. Then I realized, I don't need clever. I just need me. Now that I've started though, I think that 'clever' was easier. It doesn't require as much insight or honesty, just a quick wit. And while I'm way more comfortable with the quick wit than I am with the vulnerablitity, I'd really like to get a clearer picture of who "me" is...

It's been a while since I really spent anytime thinking on life or other important but not urgent things. It seems like all of my thoughts are old thoughts - I'm just relying on what I've always thought because I'm too tired or too lazy to figure out if that's what I still think. Just because they are old doesn't mean that they are wrong. Or that they are right. It just means that I need to choose them again. Or choose to get rid of them. I have no interest in being stagnant. Nor do I seek to be Niagra Falls. I'm okay with the Lazy River for starters. So here's me putting my innertube in the water. I expect a slow start, but who knows...I might find it more eventful than I expected.


Blogger Drew Caperton said...

Kristy, I think it's great you're questioning old thoughts and finding either their worth or their worthlessness. It takes a lot of bravery to jump out there. Know that I'm by your side on this journey you're on.

1/30/2005 12:09 PM  

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